Slavyanka Men's Russian (Slavic) Chorus Repertoire 1979 - 2011
First published 1989
Sacred Music
1. Ангел Вопияше P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Angel Vopiyashe The Angel Exclaimed Easter Theotokion. A hymn of rejoicing on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. “The angel cried to the Lady full of grace: Rejoice, O pure Virgin.”
2. Ave Maria F. Biebl (1906- ) Ave Maria Ave Maria This piece will be performed as it was originally written: for two choruses.
3. Ave Verum Corpus W.A. Mozart (1756-1791) Ave Verum Corpus Hail, True Body This piece was written in Mozart’s last year of life as part of a larger work that he never completed. The text is Gregorian chant. It is a hymn to the Holy Body of Christ, and is most often sung as an extra hymn at communion.
4. Блажен Муж Traditional Blazhen Muzh Blessed Is the Man An ancient Vespers antiphon from Psalms 1 and 2, which originated in the great Cave Monastery of Kiev. “Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.”
5. Богородице, Дево from the Vespers Service S. Rachmaninov (1873-1943) Bogoroditse, Devo Hail Mary One of the most beautiful settings of this prayer, originally for mixed chorus.
6. Канон Великой Субботы Chudov Cloister Chant Canon Velikoj Subboti The Canon of Great and Holy Saturday This is the first song of the Canon of Great and Holy Saturday. The next piece is the last song of this same Canon.
7. Да Исполнятся Уста Наша A. Vedel (1767-1808) Da Ispolnyatsya Usta Nasha Let Our Mouths Be Filled Usually sung following the communion, the words mean “Let our lips be filled with Your praise, O Lord.”.
8. Да Исправится Молитва Моя P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Da Ispravitsya Molitva Moya Let My Prayer Arise This is taken from the prayer of the Orthodox Litugy of the Presanctified Gifts. The text is from Psalm 140.
9. Достойно Есть D. S. Bortnianskii (1751-1825) Dostoino Yest It is Fitting This hymn from the Orthodox liturgy praises the Virgin Mary. It is sung immediately after Communion in the Eucharist Service.
10. Гласом Моим A. Arkhangelskii (1846-1925) Glasom Moyim With My Voice A canticle made up of verses from Psalm 142, sung as an offertory. “With my voice I cried unto the Lord… I poured out my sorrow before Him…”
11. Hayr Mehr Gomidas (1869-1935) Hayr Mehr Our Father A setting of the Lord’s prayer from the Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
12. Иже Херувимы G. Lomakin (1812-1885) Izhe Kheruvimy Cherubic Hymn “Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim now lay aside all earthly care…” This liturgical hymn conveys the understanding that in worship, the congregation is lifted up into the Divine presence, and that the wholeness of life is restored.
13. Иже Херувимы P. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Izhe Kheruvimy Cherubic Hymn “Let us who mystically represent the Cherubim now lay aside all earthly care…” This liturgical hymn conveys the understanding that in worship, the congregation is lifted up into the Divine presence, and that the wholeness of life is restored.
14. Христос Воскресе! Tropikon of Paskha Khristos Voskrese! Christ is Risen! The chorus sings several versions of the Easter tropikon celebrating the resurrection: “Christ is Risen, conquering death with death, giving life to those in the grave!” This verse occurs many times in the Paskha celebration and is sung three times whenever it occurs.
15. Krisdos Badarakyal Gomidas (1869-1935) Krisdos Badarakyal Christ Among Us This hymn of praise is sung near the end of the Armenian Divine Liturgy. “Praise the Lord in the heavens…praise Him in the heights…praise Him, all His angels…praise Him, all His Host!”
16. Krisdos I Mech Gomidas (1869-1935) Krisdos I Mech Christ Among Us Revealed During the “Kiss of Peace” following the “Great Entrance” in the Armenian Orthodox Liturgy, the Choir sings this piece while participants greet one another with a ritual kiss and the words “Christ has been revealed amongst us.”
17. Хвалите Имя Господне A. Arkhangelskii (1846-1924) Khvalite Imya Gospodne Praise the Name of the Lord Text from Psalms 135-136 (134-135 Orthodox): “Blessed is the Lord, Father of Exiles from Jerusalem…I will confess to the God of Heaven.” This hymn is often sung in the Saturday vespers service.
18. Хвалите Имя Господне Traditional Znamenny chant arr. by P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Khvalite Imya Gospodne Praise the Name of the Lord This is a setting of Psalm 135(136), from the Vespers and Matins service.
19. Милость Мира A.D. Kastalskii (1856-1926) Milost’ Mira A Mercy of Peace “A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.” This part of the liturgy marks the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer. It includes the Sanctus and Benedictus common to most Christian traditions. 20. Милость Мира N. Kompaneiskii (1848-1910) Milost’ Mira A Mercy of Peace “A mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise.” This piece marks the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer in the Divine Liturgy. It includes the Sanctus and Benedictus common to most Christian traditions.
21. На Реках Вавилонских Traditional arr. V. Krupitskii Na Rekakh Vavilonskikh By the Waters of Babylon The anguished lament of Psalm 137 (136 by the eastern numbering). “By the rivers of Babylon, we sat down and wept, when we remembered thee, O Zion.”
22. Не Рыдай Мене, Мати Chudov Cloister Chant Ne rydai mene, Mati Don’t Weep For Me, Mother A hymn similar in sentiment to the Stabat Mater (“At the cross the mother stands…”) of western Christianity, sung on Good Friday.
23. Ныне Отпущаеши P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Nyne Otpushchayeshi Now Let Thy Servant Depart “Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace; for my eyes have seen thy salvation…” Known in the West as the Song of Simeon or Nunc Dimittis, this piece is from the Vespers Service.
24. Ныне Отпущаеши A. Gretchaninov (1870-1956) Nyne Otpushchayeshi Now Let Thy Servant Depart “Lord, now let thy servant depart in peace; for my eyes have seen thy salvation…” Known in the West as the Song of Simeon or Nunc Dimittis, this piece is from the Vespers Service.
25. Отче Наш N. Kedrov, Sr. (1871-1940) Otche Nash The Lord’s Prayer One of the best known Orthodox settings of the Lord’s Prayer, written in 1925.
26. Отче Наш N. Rimskii-Korsakov (1844-1909) Otche Nash The Lord’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer.
27. Отче Наш I. Stravinskii (1882-1971) Otche Nash The Lord’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer has been set to music by many composers. This 1926 setting by Stravinskii employs modern harmonies and dissonances within a traditional Russian Orthodox chant style.
28. Плач Богородицы Traditional Chant Plach Bogoroditsy Lament of the Mother of God The Virgin Mary’s lament for the loss of her son.
29. Плотию Уснув A. K. Glazunov (1856-1936) Plotiyu Usnuv Having Fallen Asleep A hymn from the Orthodox all-night Easter Vigil service, speaking of the Death and Resurrection.
30. Прейде Сень A. Kastalsky (1856-1926) Preide Sen’ The Shadow has Passed “The shadow of the law passed away when Grace came. As the bush burned and was not consumed, just so did the Virgin give birth yet remain pure. Instead of a pillar of fire, the Sun of Righteousness has arisen.”
31. Разбойника Благоразумнаго P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Razboinika Blagorazumnago The Good Thief This prayer, from the Good Friday service, recalls the mercy shown by Christ toward one of the thieves crucified with Him.
32. Се Ныне Благословите M. Ippolitov-Ivanov (1859-1935) arr. P. Chesnokov Se Nyne Blagoslovite Behold, Bless Ye the Lord Like his colleague and contemporary Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov composed in four-part harmonies relatively removed from traditional church chant style. This setting of Psalm 134 was adapted for male chorus by his pupil Pavel Chesnokov, later an eminent conductor and composer in his own right.
33. Слава во Вышних D. Bortniansky (1751-1825) Slava vo Vyshnikh Glory In the Highest Dmitri Bortniansky was one of the most prolific and influential composers of Russian sacred music. His musical style strongly reflects his Italian training. This piece is a joyous Christmas hymn — “Glory to God in the highest, and good will to his people on earth.”
34. С Нами Бог P. Chesnokoff (1877-1944) arr. Orlov S Nami Bog God Is With Us Verses from the prophet Isaiah. “Understand ye nations and submit yourselves…Submit yourselves ye mighty ones…For we fear not your terror…But to the Lord our God, He it is to Whom we will ascribe holiness, and Him alone will we fear.”
35. Sourb, Sourb, Sourb Gomidas (1869-1935) Sourb, Sourb, Sourb Holy, Holy, Holy Sanctus from the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church. “Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory…”
36. Спасения Соделал Еси P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) arr. N. L. Norden Spasenie Sodelal Yesi Salvation is Created Text from the prophet Isaiah. “Salvation is created in the midst of the earth. Alleluia.”
37. Спаси, Господи, Люди Твоя Traditional Spasi Gospodi Lyudi Tvoya Save Thy People, O Lord This chant from the Russian Liturgy, made famous by Tchaikovsky in his 1812 Overture, is sung on several Sundays during the Church year and commemorates the Holy Cross. “O Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance…”
38. Степенна Traditional Stepenna Znamenny Chant, tone 2 Znamenny chant forms the spine of Russian Church music in much the same way as Gregorian chant is at the heart of church music in the West. In the austere unison simplicity of this antiphon, we hear the true voice of the ancient church of Russia.
39 Стихира Пасхи (Знаменный распев) Traditional Stikhira Paskhi (Znamenni raspev) Easter Znamenny Chant A sequence of chants from the Orthodox Easter service.
40. Свете Тихий A.D. Kastalskii (1856-1926) Svete Tikhii O Gladsome Light Attributed to St. Sophronius (560-638), Patriarch of Jerusalem circa 634, the text refers to Jesus Christ as the “Gladsome light of the holy glory of the Immortal Father.”
41. Тебе Поем S. Rachmaninoff (1873-1943) Tebe Poyem To Thee We Sing This hymn is sung during the Anomnesis (rememberance). It occurs just after the Words of Institution of the communion in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. While the Mystery of Jesus’ death and rememberance is recalled, the choir sings this hymn of thanksgiving. “We sing to Thee, we bless Thee, we thank Thee O Lord. And we pray to Thee our God.”
42. Тебе Поем P. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Tebe Poyem To Thee We Sing This hymn is sung during the Anomnesis (rememberance). It occurs just after the Words of Institution of the communion in the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. While the Mystery of Jesus’ death and rememberance is recalled, the choir sings this hymn of thanksgiving.
43. Teve Musu J. Gruodis (1884-1948) Teve Musu Our Father A modern Lithuanian setting of the Lord’s Prayer.
44. Tsmindao Ghmerto Traditional Georgian 12th century arr. Bakradze Tsmindao Ghmerto Holy God An early Georgian setting of the Trisagion, arranged by the Director of the Georgian National Folk Ensemble. “Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy upon us!”
45. Воскликните Господеви A. Grechaninov (1870-1956) Voskliknite Gospodevi Exult in the Lord “Exult in the Lord, o world, and sing His name. Which God is as great as our God? You are our God who does wonders. Your lightning brightens the universe.”
46. Воскресение Твое Traditional Voskresenie Tvoye Thy Resurrection Znamenny chant sung at Holy Saturday Vigil. A hymn of the angels singing about Christ’s resurrection asking for those present at the service to sing along with a pure heart.
Secular Music
1. Ах, Ты Серце Traditional Gypsy arr. D. Mickiewicz Akh, Ty Sertse O, Heart A medley of two songs. The solo is a gypsy love song featured in a 1937 Soviet movie musical. The chorus is a fishermen’s work song from another Soviet movie of the 1920’s. The young soloist, dreaming of his love, is chided back to work by his fellow fishermen who sing “More action, less talk!”
2. Ах ты, степь Traditional 17th century arr. D. Mickiewicz Akh Ty Step’ O, You Steppe A passionate song in praise of the Volga, the steppe, and freedom. “O you wide, expansive steppe. O you Mother Volga, Volga so free.” A bargehauler is wandering the vast steppe singing about his beloved river.
3. Ария Щелкалова M. Mussorgsky (1839-1881) arr. Oliver Miller Aria Shchelkalova Schelkalov’s Aria The opera Boris Godunov begins with Boris’ refusal of the throne, leaving Russia leaderless. Schelkalov announces this terrible state to the assembled crowd. 4. Бородино Traditional arr. D. Mickiewicz Borodino (The Battle of) Borodino Lermontov’s poem Borodino commemorates the bloody battle in which the Russians fought the Grand Army of Napoleon to a standoff just outside Moscow in 1812. Set to music, it became a favorite marching song of the 19th century Russian Army.
5. Берёзонька traditional arr. B. Lieberman Beryozynka The Birch Tree This old Russian folk song became a theme for Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony. “In the winter field stands a birch tree. I’ll go cut a twig, make a whistle, and play a tune.”
6. Частушки Anonymous Chastushki Folk Song Traditional humurous folk song.
7. Душа Грустит О Небесах G. Sviridov (1915- ) Dusha Grustit O Nebesakh My Soul Yearns for Heaven A modern setting in twelve parts, for two male choirs, of a poem by Sergei Yesenin: “My soul yearns for heaven. The earth is not its home……..…The language of the earth I understand, But I can’t shake off this torment,……Oh, if only my eyes could send shoots, Like this foliage, into the depths!” 8. Два Великана Traditional words by M. Y. Lermontov Dva Velikana Two Giants Put to a traditional march, this allegory tells of a Russian knight’s defense of the Tsar’s crown against an invader from the west.
9. Двенадцать Разбойников N.A. Nekrasov (1821-1877) arr. D. Mickiewicz Dvenadtsat’ Razboinikov The Twelve Brigands An old monk tells the novices about a ferocious band of brigands and their chief, Kudiar, who finally joined a monastery to atone for his evil life.
10. Эй, Ухнем traditional arr. S. Jaroff Ei, Ukhnem Song of the Volga Boatmen A folk song of the bargehaulers along the Volga (“pull; bend like a birch tree”) made popular by the Don Cossack choir.
11. Зх, Дороги A. Novikov (1896-1984) Ekh, Dorogi Bleak Roads A Soviet soldier, V. Osanin (1896-1944), wrote this somber poem about war shortly before his own death on the battlefield. Set to music by Novikov, it has become one of the most enduring and popularly revered Russian musical legacies of World War II.
12. Hakkame, Mehed Minema Gustav Ernesaks (1908- ) Hakkame, Mehed Minema Let’s Go, Men Gustav Ernesaks—composer, conductor, teacher—has been for almost fifty years at the center of choral music in Estonia, a nation famed for its choral tradition. This arrangement of an old Estonian folk song is a favorite of his men’s chorus in Tallinn.
13. Гей На Горе Traditional Ukrainian Hey, Na Hore On the Hill “Hey, up on the hill people are harvesting grain. Down in the valleys the Cossacks are marching. Out in front rides Doroshenko, leader of the Zaporozhian Cossacks.”
14. I Av Nana Traditional Georgian I Av Nana Lullaby This lullaby was taught to our chorus during our tour of the Republic of Georgia in 1986. The piece was transcribed from a tape we made of the performance.
15. Jovano, Jovanke Traditional Macedonian Village Song arr. E. Raim Jovano, Jovanke Jovano, Jovanke “Jovano, my sweatheart, your mother won’t let you come see me. I wait for you but you do not come.”.
16. Калинка Traditional arr. D. Mickiewicz Kalinka Snowball Tree A popular love song that uses the rhyme between “kalinka” (snowball tree) and “malinka” (raspberry), a term of endearment.
17. Kas Tie Tadi? Traditional Latvian arr. D. Mickiewicz Kas Tie Tadi? Who Are They? Latvians often refer to themselves as orphans in the world. Since 1100 a.d. they have had barely 20 years of independence (1919-1940). “Who are they who sing at dusk? They are all orphan children, heeding a harsh Lord.”
18. Хор Калик Перехожих M. Mussorgsky (1839-1881) arr. Oliver Miller Khor Kalik Perekhozhikh Pilgrim’s Chorus After Schelkalov’s Aria a group of pilgrims entreat the crowd to entrust the future to their ancient faith. This piece from the opera was arranged for choir by a former member of Slavyanka.
19. Колокольчик Traditional arr. S. Jaroff Kolokol’chik Clearly Rings the Little Bell A coach driver is going down the road, in melancholy reverie, when the wistful tinkle of a little bell brings to mind sweet memories.
20. Коль Славен D. Bortniansky (1751-1825) Kol’ Slaven The Glory of God As court composer to Peter the Great, Dimitro Bortniansky composed this hymn of the Russian Army by setting a poem of Kheraskov to music.
21. Kviria Traditional Georgian Kviria Kviria One of the oldest songs in our repetoire, this example of Georgian three-part singing predates western polyphonic singing by centuries. These lyrics in the Svan language probably originated as a hymn to the Sun Goddess.
22. Лезгинка Traditional Lezgi arr. K. Shvedov Lezginka Lezginka A sword dance of the Lezgi, a fierce Muslim tribe of the Caucasus mountains and one of the last to be conquered by the Russians in the 19th century. The words repeat the Islamic litany: “There is no god but God.”
23. Любовь Святая G. Sviridov (1915- ) Lubov’ Svyataya Sacred Love This is a sectarian chant about the sacred love for a persecuted God. The Slavyanka Chorus and soloist Julia Ronskaia recorded this music for the soundtrack of the movie Little Odessa.
24. Метелица A.E. Varlamov (1801-1848) arr. D. Mickiewicz Metelitsa The Snowstorm A young man sees a beautiful woman through the swirling snowfall, and he calls out, “Stop, stay a little, my beautiful one; let me behold you, my joy.”
25. Ne Sedi Djemo Traditional Macedonian Ne Sedi Djemo Don’t Sleep, Djemo “Stop sleeping Djemo, under the pear tree, because the invading Turks are carrying off your sister Fatima.”
26. Пойду ль Я Traditional arr. A. Gretchaninov (1870-1956) Poidu li Ya Shall I Go? A young girl contemplates a young man and asks, “Shall I go down into the valley… Tell me, my soul, my light, do you love me or not?”
27. Марш Преображенского Полка Traditional 18th century arr. V. N. Mantulin Marsh Preobrazhenskovo Polka March of the Preobrazhenski Regiment The famous first regiment of Peter the Great adopted this traditional march as their own. The name “Preobrazhenski” originates from the district in Moscow where they were quartered.
28. Put Vejini Traditional Latvian arr. D. Godfrey Put Vejini Blow, You Winds A young man sails back to his homeland, to claim his wife from her disapproving parents. This is an old folksong about lost love, which also expresses Latvians’ love for their homeland on the Baltic Sea.
29. Sasbodisho Batonebo Traditional arr. O. Miller Sasbodisho Batonebo Healing song This ancient Georgian chant, of unknown origins, flatters and cajoles possessing demons to leave the sick body they inhabit. This oral tradition was passed to the chorus from the Kartuli ensemble.
30. Щедрик Traditional arr. Leontovich Shedrik Epiphany Evening Carol A Ukrainian carol for the feast of Epiphany, now popularized in the west as a Christmas carol. It originated as a pagan song for the feast of Korochun, about the return of spring. “The little swallow began to sing to the farmer… take a look… these lambs were born…”
31. Shen Khar Venakhi Traditional Georgian pre-Christian arr. Bakradze Shen Khar Venakhi Thou Art a Garden Georgian musicologists think that this song was originally a pagan fertility hymn. The current text is ascribed to King Demetre I (1125-1156), who rededicated it to the Virgin Mary. It is still popular as a wedding song in both sacred and secular ceremonies.
32. Shto Mi e Milo Traditional Macedonian arr. E. Raim Shto Mi e Milo How Nice It Would Be A Macedonian dance song. “How nice it would be to have a shop in Struga: to sit and watch the girls carry water in their colorful jars, to the well where the students meet.” 33. Среди Лесов Дремучих Traditional arr. D. Mickiewicz Sredi Lesov Dremuchikh Deep in the Dark Forests A band of brigands walk through the dark woods. “Tell us our leader, what are you thinking?”
34. Там Во Поле Дуб Зелёный Traditional arr. V. M. Shchurov Tame Vo Pole Dube Zelyonyi In the Field is a Green Oak Modern lyrical song from the Belgorodskaya Region in southern Russia, originally collected by V.M. Shchurov and sung by the Folklore Ensemble of the Gnesinykh State Musical Pedagogical Institute.
35. Тишина S. Taneyev (1856-1915) Tishina Silence From a poem by K. Balmont. It presents a serene image of the dawn over a river while the eyes of angels glance downward.
36. Tsirani Tsar Gomidas (1869-1935) Tsirani Tsar The Apricot Tree A well-known Armenian folk song, arranged by one of that country’s premier composers.
37. U Naseg Marina Traditional Macedonian U Nasheg Marina Beautiful Marina A traditional love song, that begins, “Beautiful Marina in my heart, let us be together…”
38. Утёс N. Rimskii-Korsakov (1844-1908) Utyos The Cliff M. Lermontov (1814-1841) wrote this haiku-like poem about love and loneliness in 1841. Rimskii-Korsakov later set the words to music that echoes the poem’s sentiment.
39. Вдоль По Питерской arr. A. Kuzma Vdol’ Po Piterskoi Along the Piterskaya Road A drunken coachman sings on his way home from a vodka party, the bells on his troika tinkling as he careens down the Piterskaya Road.
40. Вечер P. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Vecher Evening “Sun has set and a fisherman savors the sweet scents of the evening, from forest, grass and beach. The birds begin to sleep, in peace and silence. Lord, what a beautiful planet You have created.”
41. Вечерний Звон Traditional arr. Schlachter Vechernii Zvon Evening Bells “Evening bells bring on many thoughts about young days in one’s native country.” A well known Russian folk song.
42. Вечеряй, Звон Traditional Bulgarian Devinsko Village arr. P. Koutev Vecheryai, Rado Eat Your Supper, Rado A song of the Rhodpoes mountains, where mythology located the legendary home of Orpheus. A young man naively asks a girl if she has heard the village rumor that he is courting her.
43. Венули Ветры D. Shostakovich (1906-1975) Venuli Vetry The Winds Blow “The winds blow-—the sailors row far out into the blue Khvalynian Sea.” An arrangement from an old folk song, this is one of the few pieces Shostakovich wrote for male chorus.
44. В Тёмном Лесе Traditional arr. A. Sveshnikov V Tyomnom Lese In the Dark Woods A farmer opens a clearing in the forest and plants a field with flax and hemp. Sparrows come and eat the seed. So the farmer clears more forest…
45. Во Кузнице arr. A. Shipovalnikov Vo Kuznitse At the Smithy’s A bawdy song about village blacksmiths calling out as Dunya walks by.
46. Вьётся Traditional Cossack arr. D. Mickiewicz Vyotsa The Grey Smoke Rises A band of Cossacks watch smoke curling from their hearth fires, and they vow to defend their village to the death.
47. Yerevan Traditional Yerevan Yerevan A sentimental favorite about the capital of Armenia.
48. За Дунаем V.U. Shaporin (1919- ) Za Dunayem Across the Danube An arrangement of a nineteenth century marching song taken from Shaporin’s 1953 opera, The Decembrists.
49. Зимняя Дорога V. Shebalin (1902-1963) from a poem by A. Pushkin Zimnyaya Doroga Winter Road In the moonlight a troika driver sings. But the road is monotonous and puts him to sleep, leaving only the pealing of the troika’s bells.
50. Зирваласа Хуртовина W. Wytwycky (?????-?????) 20th century arr. A. Kuzma Zirvalasya Khurtovena A Storm is Blowing Up A storm rages and tramples the grain in the field, as a mother bids farewell to her son, who is going off to war.
English Songs
1. Little Lamb arr. Marshall Bartholomew Little Lamb Little Lamb “Little lamb, little innocent lamb, I”m gonna serve God ’til I die.” An American Black spiritual.
2. My Lord, What a Morning arr. J. Gilliam My Lord, What a Morning My Lord, What a Morning A traditional Black spiritual, this piece is now widely known and sung in Russia.
3. Stormalong John Traditional English arr. R. Shaw, A. Parker Stormalong John Stormalong John Nineteenth century English and American sailors had chanties for hauling up the sails, for working at the windlass, and for times when they were not working. This ballad commemorates a fellow sailor who has gone to his final rest.
4. What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? Traditional English arr. R. Shaw, A. Parker What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? An old sea chantey in which the crew considers various distasteful ways to restore a colleague’s sobriety.
1996-2011 Music added, arranged and or edited by Gregory Smirnov for Slavyanka.
Sacred Music
1. Отче Наш N. Kedrov, Sr. (1871-1940) Otche Nash
2. Отче Наш K. Shvedov (1886-1954) arr. G. Smirnov Otche Nash
3. Отче Наш V. Licina (1968 - ). arr. G. Smirnov Otche Nash
4. Отче Наш P. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Otche Nash
5.Отче Наш I. Stravinskii (1882-1971) Otche Nash
6. Отче Наш M. Chordas (1923 - ) Otche Nash
7. Alliluia Stevan Mokranjac (1856-1914) Edited by G. Smirnov
8. Alliluia Byzantine Chant. Tones V and VI. Arranged by V. Licina. Edited by G. Smirnov
9. Ot Yunosti Moeja P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Edited by G. Smirnov
10. Bogoroditse Devo S. Rachmaninov (1873-1943). From the Vespers Service
11. Da Ispravits’a Molitva Moya P. Chesnokov (1877-1944)
12. Tsmindao Ghmerto Traditional Georgian 12th century. arr. Bakradze
13. Razboinika Blagorazumnago P. Chesnokov (1877-1944)
14. Nyne Otpushchayeshi P. Chesnokov (1877-1944)
15. Ot Yunosti Moeja P. Chesnokov (1877-1944) Edited by G. Smirnov
16. Nyne sili nebesniya A. Sheremetev (1859 - 1931). arr. for male chorus and edited by V. Morosan
17. Molitva Iisusova A. Schnittke. arr. for male chorus by G. Smirnov
18. Surp Suro Komitas(Sogomon Sogomonyan) (1869-1935)
19. Vocalise Komitas (Sogomon Sogomonyan) (1869-1935) arr. G. Smirnov
20. Kristos I Medj Komitas(Sogomon Sogomonyan) (1869-1935) Christ Among Us Revealed
21. Voskre se ni ye Tvoye Khriste Spas’e Traditional Edited for Male Chorus by Gr. Smirnov
Secular Music
1. Vivat Anonymous18th Century .
2. Pol'yushko Pol'e L. Knipper. arr. D. Orlov and edited by G. Smirnov
3. Ech, Uzh Kak Pal Tuman L. Shvarts. Edit. by G. Smirnov
4. Soldatushki Traditional. arr. D. Mickiewicz and G. Smirnov
5. Step’ da Step’ Krugom Traditional Russian. arr. G. Smirnov
6. Kolokol’chik Traditional Russian. arr. by S. Jaroff
7. Tishina S. Taneyev (1856-1915)
8. Vdol’ Po Piterskoi Traditional Russian. arr. by A. Kuzma. Edit, by G. Smirnov
9. Oy, Dub, Duba Traditional Ukrainian. arr. Nikolai Rakov. Transcribed by G. Smirnov
10. Veniki Traditional. arr. by F. Rubtsov, G. Smirnov
11. Meri G. Sviridov. Lyrics from a poem by A. Pushkin. arr. for male chorus by G. Smirnov
12. Mo'im Druz'a A. Serper a) Bog pomoch' vam druz'a mo'i b) Us'erdno pomolivshis' Bogu
13. Russian Folk Songs M. P. Mussorgsky (1839-1881) a) Ti Vzoidi, Vzoidi, Solntse Krasnoye b) U Vorot, Vorot, Batyushkinikh
14. Zirvalasya Khurtovena W. Wytwytski. arr. A. Kuzma
15. Tsangala Da Gogona Traditional Georgian
16. Kviria Traditional Georgian
English Songs
1. Steal Away
2. I Feel Like a Motherless Child
3. Elijah Rock